January 17, 2025
Dear Friends of Tom and Kelli Harmon,
I would like to start by thanking you for your faithful support of the Harmon family who have served with BIMI for several years in both Tanzania and South Africa. We appreciate their faithfulness, love for others, and the souls won throughout their ministry.
This letter is to inform you that the Harmons are resigning from BIMI. As you will read in their enclosed letter, they feel that the Lord is moving them on to another area of service. Tom and Kelli are leaving BIMI in good standing, and we know that they will be a blessing wherever the Lord leads them. This resignation will be effective on January 31, 2025.
To assist in their transition, the BIMI Business Office will continue to process any support for three months after their resignation date. We would encourage you to continue to support them during this time of transition as they will need to return to Africa to finalize their situation there.
We pray that the Lord will bless the Harmon family as they seek to follow the Lord’s leading and that God will meet their needs as they seek to serve Him in a different capacity. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me either by phone (615-631-0628) or by email (
Your co-laborer,
Eric Bohman
Africa Field Director
P.S. If you currently support the Harmon family using BIMI’s ACH Debit Program,
please contact our Business Office to discontinue their monthly support
Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentations 3:3
January 2025
With a mixture of thoughts and emotions, we are writing this letter to present our official resignation as foreign missionaries sent out by Cornerstone Baptist Church, effective January 31, 2025. God has allowed us the amazing opportunity to serve Him most of our lives. The past five years, He has blessed us with the privilege to work for Him full- time as foreign missionaries. Due to significant visa complications and other challenges, the door appears to be closing to foreign missions for us. With your generous giving, we applied for South African visas in December 2022. The visas were never fully processed. Due to the law, our visa application expired when we renewed our children’s passports. Our mission’s director has recently communicated the difficulty that he is seeing with visa approvals in Africa, especially South Africa. In light of the visa issues as well as other challenges, we sought counsel with our pastor and mission’s director and at their direction, we will be resigning from serving full-time in South Africa. I will be searching for a job in computer programming and am praying for God to continue to show us His will in our lives. Our hearts and minds are still focused on ministry. We continue to serve Him by ministering to the people that He has brought into our lives. We grieve through the loss of ministry partners, friends and our home but we have hope in trusting our amazing God with His always perfect plan. Feel free to contact us for any reason. We love you all and pray for each of your pastors and ministries every month. God has used your faithful prayers, words and support as a continual source of encouragement for us.
Thomas and Kelli Harmon